About a week ago I bought a bike (first bike in 8 years) and I kind of re-learned how to ride on it because I hadnt done it in so long - Im not really the outdoorsy type as you know. Well I kind of fell in love with that bike - every day I took it out for a ride, even if it was just to the local grocery store - even if it was raining like mad. I bought it used and when making the deal I got one of those chains to protect it from being stolen. It was kind of thin but I figured: ill have enough time to get a stronger one. for now this will do. I even put the bike into this bike-cellar-ish thing where only people from our house have a key to. Anyway, this morning I woke up and wanted to go out with the bike and it was gone. The chain lay on the ground, cut at the lock. God how much I cried. And the bike was only worth 1000sek. But I cried anyway. I guess it meant more to me than the money, since I thought over and over again: I would pay 200€ right now just to get it back.

It was this feeling of being exposed. I just couldnt do anything. I had done everything in my power at that time... there was a chain, there was a locked cellar, and still people fucked me up and took something from me.This happened to me before.Right when we moved here that someone broke into my car, taking the GPS. Stupid of me to leave in plain sight, but i come from a tiny town where everyone knows everyone and no one would do such a thing to someone who has lived there their entire life. But here people are so ruthless - so merciless. I just freaking got the bike a week ago and I really really loved it. in a way I guess it symbolized me becoming a little more swedish. I always just went from home to the car to school and back home. Never did I just drive or go somewhere just for the ride. The bike did that to me. I went for rides just for the rides.
wtf, Sweden has an insanely high crime rate :/
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry. :(