Watching the renowned cook Gordon Ramsay tear participants of Kitchen Nightmares a new one, influenced my perception of food in a drastic way. If any of the restaurants serve either frozen/artificial/canned or microwaved food hell is sure to break loose - that is, if chef Ramsay is around.
I myself wouldn't say that I am a good cook, but I am not terribly bad either. Except I don't use fresh ingredients. Freshly bought and then frozen or even frozen when bought is what I go by. Hence all the ready-to-bake pizzas in our freezer.
But I do enjoy the occasional culunary adventure and so today, after another heart-warming episode of Kitchen Nightmares, I asked Joakim to go to the store with me and buy some ingredients. What we were going to eat wasn't entirely sure yet then but I knew I wanted something with fresh vegetables. So we ended up deciding on a fresh, warm veggie soup.
In the store we stood infront of a huge counter filled with all kinds of roots and herbs and whatnot. And eventhough we didn't know half of what they were we bought like 10 different kinds of vegetables. Amongst them were horseradish (jucky stuff, by the way) and fresh parsley. It was great fun to randomly pick out stuff of which we didn't even know what it was. And working with everything, the peeling and the slicing, was a lot of fun too - plus the soup turned out amazing. And it didn't even cost that much more than buying all the groceries frozen. You should try it some time!