Hello everybody!
So nice to be writing again, been some days.
Ever since I got the camera I have been taking pictures non-stop. I would sit at the pc and take 120 pictures of my hair brush, just to figure out the right settings and exposure for the current circumstances. And in focusing so much on photography, my father and I have come to talk almost every day. Feels really great, especially since Mom and Petra have recently been cut off the internet and aren't able to come online. Ever since then my days were lacking that little piece of home that a daily conversation with them brought me. Now, through the talks with dad I am getting just that: A piece of home and a lot of affection. Plus I learn a lot about taking great pictures!
Yesterday I came down with a cold. Nothing serious, just annoying. Can't go to the gym, can't go out to take pictures. But I got some work done with CardCoaches, a company that is on it's way to creating a very sought after and thus successful homepage. The general idea is to teach - through hundrets of articles, vidoes, interactive flash-applications and actual games - the art of playing poker. I'm their
"design-handy-man", which means, that I do every work that comes my way, as long as it in some way or another has to do with design. I've got really lucky though, seeing as the project leader of CardCoaches - in other words my boss - is really nice. I have a great time working with him. Just yesterday I came up with an idea to improve the experience that a newly-registered member would have on their future homepage: buttons that show him the way to certain places within the homepage that are otherwise a little harder to find (which disappear as soon as the member reached a certain stage). Instead of dismissing it, since it comes from a student who is a part-time wanna-be designer, he went ahead and made a note of it - even telling his partner about it. Made me feel very included in the whole project, which I am sure you don't feel very often when you are in my position.
We went shopping yesterday. As soon as we were done and reached our homely parking lot, a sudden rush of fatigue came over us both. We reached down, next to our seats, and pulled that lever that controls the angle at which the backrest is positioned. So while we were half sitting, half lying in the car, we figured: why not have breakfast in the car! So we took out the rolls that we just bought, used our fingers to pry them open and then... well then we wanted to put on cream cheese and ham. But it was too exhausting and too crammed, so I had an idea. I wanted to tell you guys about the breakfast in the car, and I wanted it not to be a lie, so I decided I
would eat bread with cream cheese and ham on top, except I would leave them packaged while holding them atop the bread, biting into it. Kinda wacky, I know. But it was fun! And I almost went for it too, writing here that I did, in fact, eat bread with cream cheese and ham on top. Bending the truth to your will can be a lot of fun :) I guess I've been watching too much survivor recently O.o

Some weeks ago I started getting obsessed with the idea of knitting. I don't really know how it started, but I just wanted to have some nice caps. I guess I saw so many creative ones in "Life Unexpected" that I just was like a little child - you see something -> you want it! As you can see on the picture, my first try was.. well - a lot of work, but poor at that. The colors don't look sophisticated together and the whole thing just has the wrong shape. It's way too wide around the forehead. Instead of giving up, though, I looked up a sort of cap-knitting recipe and, as you can see on the lower picture, It payed off! I think it looks preeeeetty damn nice for a second try.
Well, well. I got to go to school now. Today is an important day, and sick or not sick, I really feel like I got to go there. I just hope that what I have isn't catching.